
Ensuring vulnerable communities aren’t left behind in the transition to the green energy economy

Climate change disproportionately affects marginalized and vulnerable communities, exacerbating poverty and inequality.  Extreme weather events, such as droughts, floods, and hurricanes can destroy homes, crops, and infrastructure, disrupting livelihoods and access to resources.

Our mission is to support people and communities with what they need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make energy reliable, affordable, and more sustainable.

We put all our energy into working with community organizations, customers and partners to build sustainable energy systems to speed up the energy transition along the value chain.

However, it isn’t just about the environment—-it’s also about people and how we do business.  Sustainability is at the heart of our strategy and step-by-step, we are making our contribution to a successful energy transition.

Our leadership team is helping to shape the clean energy culture by being humble and focused on training and job creation, working in collaboration with others, and by igniting change—change toward an ever greener and more inclusive world. 

Our Center for Renewable Energy Infrastructure Training and Innovation empowers people and communities through job creation

Environ is empowering students from underserved communities with breakthrough workforce training and development in renewable energy.

We are helping to strengthen local underserved populations with a workforce better prepared for jobs in the green economy—skilled, technical positions in EV charging, solar energy, and smart building technology jobs that do not necessarily require a traditional, four-year college degree.

To help build this pipeline of talented, skilled workers, the Center for Renewable Energy Infrastructure Training and Innovation is providing training that connects cutting edge technologies in the fight to reduce the impact of climate change.

We are here to help individuals and families break the cycle of poverty

EnViron is committed to reducing poverty by empowering the underserved.  We understand that the key to a thriving society lies in the development and empowerment of underserved communities.  Underserved communities are not areas or zip codes within a city, they are individuals and families facing additional barriers that are preventing them from breaking the cycle of poverty.

The green energy transition has the potential to create massive economic opportunities, including new jobs, GDP growth, improved health and well-being, and the potential to lift communities out of poverty.

EnViron Renewable Energy is committed to ensuring that underserved communities are not left behind or left out of the opportunities that the transition to the green economy provides.